A true lap dog!
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This site is dedicated to dog pictures. Funny dog pictures, cute dog pictures, anything and everything having to do with dog pictures! If you have any pictures or photos of your own dog or dogs, please click here to upload them! I'll gladly post them to the site.
Strongow, from Bangkok. She's so cute she hurts. It's the teeth and the 'playful' personality.
From: Les Pugh (Bangkok, Thailand.)
im MITO a dog from philippines shes a native and a loyal friend
From: love (quezpn city philippines)
this is Destiny.she looks like this because she,s just awake.
From: rasa &perry (Netherlands,Venlo)
I am playing with the dog.
i love it even though it is not very attractive in look.
But i have a feeling fot it.
From: sudip(nepal.topcities.com) (nepal)
My dog loves to annoy me! Tonight he tried to tare off my sleeve. last night he nearly got me into trouble and on New Years night he tried to get my toast! (as usual)
He's even won a the dog show competition. Best Puppy! I've still got the shield in my sitting room. I always look at it.
From: Vicki ((Scotland, Uk))